Monday, March 26, 2012

Vancouver for a Day

This past weekend was great. The beautiful sunshine fills me with so much energy it makes me feel as if I've been brought back to life! Going months without "sunshine t-shirt weather" is like suffering a slow illness, and I hope that soon we can leave those grey days behind for good! (well for a season anyways lol...)

We got to do a bit of travelling, and stayed at my sisters house in Vancouver on friday night. I beat the hubby there after work, and decided to play in the sunshine and walk around the block with my camera. The city is so much more interesting looking than the suburbs! I snapped a few and these are my favourites:

We also went up to Whistler and got to spend a day riding Blackcomb, and I wont lie, my last run I couldn't stop singing "God is so gooood...God is so gooood..." As I carved my way down the sunny slope at the end of a gorgeous day. (OK, I need to be honest: the day was a bit of a roller coaster due to hubby's missing ski poles and some miscommunications, but weighing it all out in the end, it was good!) So here are some iPhone photos to finish my weekend synopsis off:

I hope your weekend was as good as mine! And if not, may the next one be better!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Something Different: Positively Parkinsons

A few weeks ago I got to participate in "something different:" Creating/refining a cartoon mascot that will travel the globe!

Bob Kuhn, author of the "Positively Parkinsons" blog (and incidentally Chairman of the Insight for Living Canada Board) contacted me to help bring his vision to life. To quote Bob, "Petey will be traveling with me on my upcoming trip around the world. Now lest you think that he is simply a prop, a self-aggrandizing photo opportunist, or purely a promotional gimmick, I want to assure you that you're right. Petey’s purpose in life is to promote World Parkinson Congress 2013 (WPC 2013), happening 18 months from now in Montréal."

On that note, I am sure he won't mind if I join the cause and fill you in on some details! Bob was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2006. His blog has encouraged countless people: myself included. His honesty and way with words communicate the journey of living with Parkinson's in a tough but touching way. If you know anyone walking this road, I have no doubt that Bob's blog will provide encouragement! And if you don't: you'll still find it encouraging.

Where does Petey come in? Well this year (very soon!) Bob will be leaving on a world tour. He'll be meeting up with Representatives from different Parkinson's organizations as he travels, to help raise Parkinson's Awareness and promote the World Parkinson's Congress happening in 2013. Petey is going along as a bit of a 2D guerilla marketing expert. Please, visit Positively Parkinson's to get the REAL details and check out his first stop! 

Bob and Petey in Israel

Parkinson's is a rough disease. Its not well understood and it can be devastating to live with. Bob's approach to "live with hope and a positive attitude despite this unwanted and challenging companion! truly positive, pursue adventure, and have genuine reasons to smile (at least inside)?" is an incredible example to all of us of how to face life in all its complexities.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Think: INSIDE the box!!

The title is lame, I know. But I don't think this project is! A few weeks ago Dwayne and I popped into VV (very high end shop known to some as Value Village) and I scored this sweet mini treasure chest box that had GREAT potential. I decided not to over-think it and just have fun! And this is what happened: I created a "special things" box! I confess, I kinda challenged myself NOT to create something I saw on pinterest, and just be creative on my own, the way I forgot I could be once I got on pinterest.

The other awesome part of this project is that it only cost me $5. And it was fun! Dollar-store craft acrylic paints are the crafters best friend!

And After: 

March Insights Magazine

Here we go! Posting the March Insights magazine -- which is just hitting mailboxes around Canada -- on the same day as I wrap up design of the April issue. I am in a perpetual state of bewilderment when it comes to what month it is. I've pretty much given up, and rely on my iphone for the date. When I'm working on May in March, things start to get a little mixed up inside my head: I've pretty much already celebrated Easter and Mothers day and am looking forward to summer! ...And then it snows and reality returns! :D

But anyways, a few highlights for me in this issue were playing with my new portable (flash) umbrella, putting a Polariod camera on the cover (who knew?!), and doing some fun illustrating in a "superfun" colour palette!

Here are some snapshots of the graphics, but don't mind if I direct you to the digital issue here to read these insightful articles on marriage, traditions, and conflict!