I'm a huge fan of noisetrade, the source of loads of wonderful free music (but tip if you love what you hear!) I've turned in to one of those people I never wanted to be: a bit of a music snob. I think its a result of becoming a junkie: I listen to music ALL DAY every day, and I get sick of whatever has been on repeat after a while. So I go sleuthing for new stuff, and noisetrade usually tips me off to some lovely melodies. After a while, I started getting comments like "you're one of 'those music people' aren't you? Have you ever heard of this band?" I really don't want to be one of "those people," but I can't stop my consumption of incredible music. Well hey! That's what it exists for!
Here are three of my recent favourites, I hope you enjoy! :D

Noisetrade prescribes this album for fans of Mumford & Sons, Of Monsters and Men, and Fleet Foxes, and they couldn't be more spot on. They have an awesome sound and not once have I pressed "skip." Oh, AND they're from Vancouver! Win!
This album has been a staple in my playlist for a while. Like the Tourist Company, they have a chill & awesome sound as well as some pretty wonderful lyrics.
Some people have a thing against live albums, but I enjoy the banter and crowd interaction. Josh Ritter has an upbeat and folksy sound, and his wry attitude make this album great for infusing a bit of energy into your day.
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